Elle Fin Productions: Temporarily...
The episode of the new tragicomedy series, Temporarily, that I'm in was released today! What a fun character to play! Wishing the creative team the best of luck with upcoming episodes!
The episode of the new tragicomedy series, Temporarily, that I'm in was released today! What a fun character to play! Wishing the creative team the best of luck with upcoming episodes!
Just 9 days until the premiere of the new comedy, Bud and Blossom!
I am so excited to be a part of this hilarious show! The cast and creative team are amazing to work with! Come see us for FREE at the American Theatre of Actors! Reserve tickets here!
Special shoutout to the following publications for writing about me and my work in recent weeks! Grateful for the kind words and for sharing my projects with your audiences!
The Halloween Special for Flying High With Charlie has just been released!! It's honestly hysterical. Hands down the best episode yet! Check it out:
We had a great first week of rehearsals for the new comedy, Bud and Blossom! I play Vlad, one of the runaway bakers disguised as a tent putter-upper to make some quick money! He's clueless and always hurting himself lol. We open in November at the American Theatre of Actors!
Congratulations to Elle Fin Productions on the debut of their new comedy series, "Temporarily..."!! I'll be shooting my character's episode later this month!
Honestly, shooting the Halloween episode for Flying High With Charlie on Wednesday was one of my favorite days on set EVER! I love playing Charlie so much - his style of comedy and personality are so incredibly fun. This episode is sure to be a very spooky and funny treat!
So grateful to have had the opportunity to play the quirky, new intern Gregory in the new TV series pilot of The Humanitarians!! The cast is absolutely hysterical and the show is definitely strong enough to get picked up!
It's still accepting donations: https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/the-humanitarians#/
My upcoming short film, Half Empty is now on IMDB and has a website!
Here are the links:
Bud And Blossom is a new physical comedy show opening November 14th - 17th at the American Theatre of Actors! I'll be playing Vlad, one of the bakers who poses as a tent worker to try and make some money while on the run!! Can't wait to start rehearsals!
Teaser trailer and Indiegogo Campaign have been released for the new TV series, The Humanitarians! I play Gregory, the nerdy, quirky new intern for SWEDO, a non governmental organizations trying to help the world in the most bizarre and hysterical ways! The cast is fantastic and we start shooting next weekend!
Check it out here: https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/the-humanitarians#/
This week I am in the middle of a run of The Captives at the off broadway stage at the American Theatre of Actors! I play one of the leads, Tyndarus, a servant who is captured and must disguise himself as his master in order to save them both! It's wildly funny with physical comedy and word play! Last show is this Sunday!
Last week, I had an amazing time shooting a teaser for a new series called The Humanitarians! I play Gregory, the eager, quirky intern who has just graduated from Columbia University! We'll be filming the full pilot at the end of September. Can't wait to get back on set!
What a run! Wow, this was such a fun show! Thank you to Fringe and everyone who supported us! Can't wait for the next one!!!
It's showtime!!! The Department of Fools (a new Commedia dell'arte Troupe) is very excited to present A History of Servitude at this year's NY Fringe Festival! WE OPEN ON SUNDAY AT 12PM!!!! It's going to be hysterical!
Click here for performance info!
Last weekend I had an amazing time shooting an episode of an upcoming comedy series called Workplace Woes!! It was SO much fun! Such a great cast and crew! This one is sure to be very funny!
Broadway World has published an article about our upcoming Commedia dell'arte performance in the NY Fringe Festival! Check out the article here! We open August 14th!
And Season 2 of Flying High With Charlie comes to an end with Episode 8: Ex-Boyfriend Reroute! I love this series so much. Charlie has been one of my favorite roles to play ever. Definitely hoping for Season 3!!!
The past two weekends I had the amazing opportunity to perform in the new web series, Jake's Unemployment Summer! A hilarious script - I can't wait for it to be released!
I had an amazing time being a part of YouTube's #ProudToBe video campaign for Pride 2016. Check out the video below made by OutliciousTV! Celebrate who you're #ProudToBe!!!